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Ferrotopia Evening Expeditions
Ferrotopia is an art installation at the Amsterdam NDSM shipyard, a ‘gesamtskunstwerk’ and pop-up museum in one. The art installation of Atelier van Lieshout is an ode to iron (ferro = iron) and consists of a collection of characteristic buildings grouped around a central square.
Following the principle of head, heart and hands, programme-makers Joost Janmaat (Partizan Publik) and Rieke Vos (Stichting NDSM-werf) take their audiences on an expedition into the world of iron. Concrete presentations will accompany expeditions, tasting sessions, music, poetry and other arts.

Date: 4 October, 18:00, 19:30-22:00
Price: €5,- / Passe-partout for 5 lectures €20,-

Tickets are available here

4 October Domestikator: an evening about bestiality
Central element of the Ferrotopia art installation is the Domestikator. This is the totem, the landmark, of the building and symbolizes the domination of homo sapiens over other animal species on the earth. This evening is about how people and animals live together in a world that is shaped by agricultural, industrial and digital revolutions. To what extent are animals just animals and humans just animals? We fantasize about dys- and utopian future scenarios: from tribal life forms to fully urbanized societies.


6 September |the sixth sense: a night on magnetism
20 September | Welcome to the new iron age: on cyborgs and sci-fi
25 October | take these shackles off my feet so I can dance: an evening all about material and power
8 November | the things take over: an evening on the anvil

Location: Ferrotopia (NDSM-Square)



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