A book for the 99,999 % and us. This book is a double agent in between two different eras. Change it, and get changed by it. It is yours, and you are his. The Parliament of Things Handbook is an omnibus that collects insights, experiments and actions exploring the question how to give a (political) voice to other animals, plants and things. It’s the first compendium of a long term, ongoing interdisciplinary project that started in 2015, only possible through a collective effort of scientists, writers, communicators, designers, futurists, philosophers, architects, and artists. The handbook is/ will be an inexhaustible mine of essays, interviews, illustrations, anecdotes, serious science and curious facts, cases and insights all concerned with the end of human beings as the measure of things, exploring what mindset could replace this worldview and how we should act upon it. All this in the full awareness of the paradoxical fact that the emancipation of non-human beings – through law and politics – is a human project to the bone.