A book for the 99,999 % and us. This book is a double agent in between two different eras. Change it, and get changed by it. It is yours, and you are his. The Parliament of Things Handbook is an omnibus that collects insights, experiments and actions exploring the question how to give a (political) voice to other animals, plants and things. It’s the first compendium of a long term, ongoing interdisciplinary project that started in 2015.
Featured Articles
The Importance of being Lost
An interview with philosopher René ten Bos (Radboud University), BY SANNE BLOEMINK “The problems of the Anthropocene have grown far too large. In fact, nobody can be held accountable anymore. Our species has made such a mess…
Read moreUnderstanding Animals
An interview with author, philosopher and artist Eva Meijer, BY SANNE BLOEMINK People usually think that parrots can only repeat words – that they can literally only ‘parrot’ others – but research shows that their cognitive skills and…
Read moreThe venus flytrap: A brief history
An interview with plant philosopher Norbert Peeters, by sanne bloemink When the Venus flytrap was first discovered, botanists considered the carnivorous plant to be a curiosity. John Ellis, an 18th-century naturalist, described the plant in a letter to…
Read moreSparing versus Sharing
An interview with environmental philosopher Bernice Bovenkerk (Wageningen University), BY SANNE BLOEMINK Dilemma 1 Ecomodernism or old-school conservation? Two different responses to the Anthropocene Conservationists have always tried to restore ecosystems to a certain historic state. The real…
Read moreThe dilemma of the ‘New Wilderness’
An interview with philosopher Matthijs Schouten (Staatsbosbeheer / State Forestry Department), BY SANNE BLOEMINK When we first saw images from space, looking down on Earth, brought to us by astronauts, it changed everything. I interviewed Dutch astronaut Andre…
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